Mind Power is a practice not a philosophy.
Too often people think of mind power simply as a concept or a philosophy forgetting that to get results we have to actually practice our techniques and bring them into a daily routine. Think of mind power as yoga of the mind or working out in the mental gym of consciousness.
The Future of the Mind is “Athlete of the Mind.” This title clearly reveals my feeling about training; we train mentally because we know, from experience, the value of it. We can and should begin thinking of ourselves as athletes of the mind. When we do it inspires us to train and be our best.
To live our fullest life and be successful at our goals we need to train regularly and get beyond procrastination or whatever other excuse we have given ourselves for not doing 15-20 minutes of mind power exercises every day.
We need to discipline ourselves. We can begin doing this by imagining ourselves as athletes of the mind. Athletes are not lazy nor do they give into procrastination and the numerous other excuses we give ourselves for not training. They know that their ability to perform is directly related to the amount of training and preparation they put in ahead of time; so too in our life. We need to train to win.
Imagine yourself as an athlete of the mind, someone who trains regularly and gets results. Imagine both these aspects daily; the training and the results and let these images inspire you. Olympian athlete Mark Spitz, winner of seven gold medals, said, “We all like to win but how many of us like to train?”
I’ll tell you who likes to train. Athletes of the Mind like to train and this is how we live our life. It is this quality, more than anything else, that makes us athletes and it is the reason why we are so successful.
This blog’s takeaway: In order to succeed, you must put in the time to train!