Continued from: Dreams — Part I
What is dream incubation? It is a term used by those who work regularly with the mind to describe a method that evokes dreams from our subconscious. Usually dream incubation is used to evoke a dream in response to a question or concern we have in our daily lives. For example, perhaps you are thinking of changing your career and are unsure of what field you should choose. You can ask your dreams for guidance. Maybe you’re thinking of investing some money, or moving overseas—it can be any decision where you would like inner guidance. You can always go within.
Step 1: Immerse yourself in the area where you want answers.
Go over all the available information, looking at all the possibilities. Do not worry about making a decision at this point. Supply your mind with as much information as you can. Your subconscious will sort through it all in its own mysterious way. You will soon see there are many different options you have, many choices you can make. Notice which ones appeal to you and why. Do you have a good feeling about some and a bad feeling about others? At this stage just take note of how you feel.
Step 2: Ask yourself some very important questions.
First: Do I really want to know the answer to the question I’m facing? Since dream incubation can be a powerful process, don’t waste your subconscious time with frivolous pursuits.
Second: Am I willing to act upon what my subconscious shows me? Ultimately, all of our life depends upon our choices and actions. While you should not blindly follow what your dreams tell you, you are requesting information that hopefully will result in a decision and action.
Step 3: Ten minutes before going to sleep, as you lie in bed, repeat to yourself the questions you want answered.
Speak to your subconscious, as if it can hear you. Be sincere. Be positive. Be relaxed. The passion and sincerity with which one makes the request is important. There must be a concentration of energy and feeling. Repeat 20 to 30 times as you are going off to sleep — Tonight I will dream about ………… and I will remember my dream.
Step 4: Go to sleep with the full confidence that your subconscious will supply you with a dream that will offer you guidance.
Step 5: Immediately upon awakening gather all the fragments and memories of your dreams and write them down in your dream journal.
Working With The Dream
Dreams are symbolic and are loaded with potentials and possibilities. Depending upon your interpretation, they can point in many directions. One approaches the dream with humility and excitement. Humility, because rushing to a premature conclusion might taint the process. And excitement, because the subconscious has given us something to work with.
How do we know that the dream we had last night has anything to do with our request in our dream incubation? Depending on how explicit the dream is, we may not know absolutely, but because the subconscious is always trying to reach us, we can at least surmise that there is a distinct possibility that this dream has a message for us. Dreams do seem to respond directly to what we are dealing with in life and within ourselves. So by going through this process, we up the chances that this dream is a direct response to the request we have made.
Once we have a dream we feel is relevant, we go through the process of dream interpretation outlined in Mind Power Into the 21st Century.
If you do not receive or remember a dream, continue the incubation process for a week. You can also ask your subconscious for clarification on a dream with yet another dream. Notice any patterns or similarities between the two or more dreams. Since dreams speak in symbols, it is like a puzzle you have to decipher.
In dream work you need the skill of a scientist and the feel of an artist. But the most important quality of all is your belief in the power of the subconscious to guide and direct you through dreams. Your intent and sincerity count for a lot. The more respect and attention you give to dreams, the greater respect and attention they will give to you.
It is also reassuring to know that this process has been used successfully for many thousands of years, and that many writers, scientists, inventors, and entrepreneurs have been given guidance and direction this way.
In light of this, this month’s topic, «Go For Your Dream,» now takes on a new, more powerful meaning.