Recently I was in Sofia, Bulgaria, presenting a two-day seminar. It was a very rewarding and gratifying experience. There were a thousand people in attendance, almost all were equipped with headsets to hear the translation, as English was not their mother tongue.
Two things struck me very clearly as I presented that weekend. The first is how important and relevant Mind Power is to every individual. Secondly, how much I love and am devoted to sharing this information to as large an audience as possible. So for this month’s topic I thought I would give everyone an update on what I am doing, and my plans for the immediate future.
Let’s start with this website. It was created in 1997 and has had three or four face-lifts in the thirteen years of its existence. It was created to give those people who will never be able to see me live or attend one of my workshops the opportunity to gain valuable information on how to work with the powers of the mind. It also gives me the ability to share new information and keep my students—including those who have attended my seminars—updated on new, cutting edge findings in psychology, quantum physics, spirituality, and neuroplasticity (which is the exciting new science of rewiring the brain through intention and directed thought).
I began teaching in 1978 and have since witnessed many changes and discoveries in our understanding of how the human mind works. This constant development is very exciting and I want you to know that my commitment to the human potential of every individual, and my belief in a positive future for mankind, has never been stronger. Now, in 2010, I am more positive than ever before because I am witnessing firsthand the evolution of consciousness. The changes I’ve seen in the last thirty years in people’s perceptions of themselves and their ability to make a difference are staggering. Most of us now understand that we are a part of something infinitely larger than ourselves, and this something else is calling us to our ultimate destinies as self-evolved beings. Cosmic Consciousness is the new evolutionary leap that each of us is participating in, whether we are aware of it or not.
How I see my role in the unfolding destiny of our species is as a catalyst in assisting those I come in contact with, either in my seminars or this website, to maximize their effectiveness at becoming the best they can possibly be. We are all part of one whole, and our success helps many others. So does our generosity and compassion—everything we do and think has an effect on the whole. From this perspective it becomes our social responsibility to uplift ourselves and become and do everything we possibly can, to trust our unique gifts and talents (each of us is different), and to become authentic human beings. Each of us who do this will add to the whole and will make a difference in ways we may never understand. Following our instincts and being authentic day by day in the numerous activities that make up our life will lead us to our destiny.
Finally let me share with you some of the exciting new developments that we are planning for the next 12 months. In October we will be launching a new series of seven-minute audio teaching modules on this website. Each month a new topic of relevance to you will be explored. I am also working on a new book on advanced mind power techniques, which presents the working relationship between the mind, the body, the soul and the subconscious. This will be released in 2011. If you are part of our newsletter (include link) you will receive some updated material before the book is released. I will also be doing seminars in Vancouver, Canada, the U.K., Singapore and South Africa in the coming months. Finally, let me remind you that there are over 150 articles on this website, and I invite you to browse through them. Also, our web store has books and CDs that are sure to be of value to you. Take a moment to check them out. They have been created to assist you in your continued growth and development.
These next 12 months are going to be very eventful, and we welcome your participation with us in whatever ways feel appropriate for you. We change the world one person at a time, one consciousness at a time. We all count. We all make a difference. Most of you who come on this website I have never met and I will probably never know you personally. However, through my teachings you know me. That is wonderful and I want you to be aware that I pray and vibrate the very best for each and every one of you. I hold the intention that success, happiness and personal fulfillment will be yours. I can do this through quantum reality.