John Kehoe author of the #1 bestseller Mind Power Into the 21st Century is seeking 40 residents of Metro Vancouver who want to lose 30+ lbs.
PLUS we’re offering CASH PRIZES for those who lose the highest percentage of body weight:
1st prize: $1,000
2nd prize: $500
3rd prize: $250
Program Details:
The Mind Power Weight Loss Program Trial is 90 days (12 weeks) in duration.
For the first 6 weeks, participants will take the online Mind Power Weight Loss Program. Each week they will be emailed an audio session of approximately 90 minutes and also the accompanying mental exercises which are to be done for 20-30 minutes every day.
During the remaining 6 weeks of the trial, participants will continue to apply the tools and techniques they learned in the online program every day for 20 -30 minutes.
Requirements For Pilot Program:
25-55 years old residing in Metro Vancouver
30+ lbs. to lose
Commitment to do the program in its entirety for the 90 day period from January 11 – April 5, 2018
Agreement to do the daily exercises for 30 minutes maximum each and everyday in order to receive full benefit from the program
Access to WiFi to listen to each week’s audio session. WiFi is not required to complete the daily exercises.
Availability to attend the introductory session on the evening of Thursday, January 11 at UBC Robson Square (between 6:30 and 9:30 pm for a 20 min. meeting) at which time starting weight will be recorded.
Availability to attend the closing session on Thursday April 5, at which time end weight and amount of weight loss will be recorded.
Agreement to participate in a video taped discussion surrounding your experience with the program and also give a video testimonial during the closing session on Thursday, April 5.
Interested in applying for the Mind Power Weight Loss Pilot Program?
Click here to submit your application: